Health & Human Services
M-F | 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
204 1st St NW, Aitkin, MN
218-927-7200 | 800-328-3744
Sarah Pratt / HHS Director

Opioid Settlement Funding


In 2022, an agreement was reached with drug companies that were believed to have played a role in fueling the opioid crisis. The companies are required to change how they manufacture and distribute opioids. They are also required to pay money to address the harm caused by the opioid crisis.

Aitkin County and other local governments across Minnesota are receiving funds from the national opioid settlements. The funding is spread over 18 years and will be spent on strategies that prevent overdose deaths and other harms caused by substance use in our community.

Settlements with some drug companies have been finalized and legal actions with additional companies are still underway. Current opioid settlement payment amounts to cities and counties are available from State of Minnesota Opiod Settlement.



Currently about 1.2 million dollars are expected to flow into Aitkin County over the next 18 years.

No, there is no deadline to spend the funds.

Anyone person, organization, or business can apply for opioid funds.

You can fill out a funding application through the link on this site or contact the opioid coordinator for a hard copy of the application.

Funding Application

Aitkin County Health and Human Services or the opioid subcommittee make recommendations for approval and forward those recommendations to the Aitkin County Board of Commissioners

page last modified on May 06, 2024